1. Select the style of your resume, either 1 Column or 2 Columns, from the “Resume Style” tab on the top
right corner of the page to reduce paper usage and make it more legible.

Resume in 1 column presentation
Resume in 2 columns presentation
Click the                            button under the “Employer Tools” tab to print out your resume.

 Tips: A resume can be printed immediately from the “Resume Search” page by pressing “Ctrl + P”.

 3. Print Preview

 3.1 You can print out a resume in color or black/white and set the style of your resume
in 1 or 2 columns.
 3.2 The number represents estimated printed page(s).
 3.3 Click “Print” to print out a resume.
 3.4 Click “PDF” to save a resume as a PDF file.